In addition, yesterday, Jan 30, marked the 3-year blogiversary of Learn Me Good! But back to the Guest Posting Initiative...
I want to thank everyone who volunteered to take a stab at it here on these pages -- from the comments alone, I know that readers have really enjoyed getting a fresh and different perspective.
Let's have everyone who participated stand up one more time and be recognized.
Joel, of So You Want to Teach?
Jason, of Jason's Perspective
Carolyn, of Give Me Texas Wisdom
Kevin, of Kevin's Meandering Mind
Red Priest, of Intellteacher's Blog
100 Farmers, of 100 Farmers
Mrs. T, of La Chucheria
Mike in Texas, of the now, sadly defunct Education in Texas (and people are STILL asking what happened to ya, Big Mike!
Kathy, of Trimming the Bonsai
Ms Teacher, of Ms Teacher
Mr. D, of I Want to Teach Forever
The Scholastic Scribe, of The Scholastic Scribe
and finally, Stephanie, of Not Just Surviving
Thanks again to all of you for writing AND for reading.
The final Guest Post of the Month comes again from yours truly, and it can be found over at education.com. This week's Mr. Teacher's column is titled, "The Ice Day Cometh," and it is all about the pros and cons of taking an inclement weather day. It's very ironic that I wrote that, saying that DISD never closes due to the weather, and that very week, we get an ice day.
As I mentioned before, Learn Me Good the blog is now 3 years old! Stay tuned, dear readers, as I think I am VERY close to a major development which will hopefully provide some fun opportunities in February!
Left you some blog love... check it out.
This was a wonderful treat that you offered us education bloggers. Thank you for doing such a fabulous job of hosting this!
Thanks and I think I have a new coinage- VoLMEG(Videos of Learn Me Good). It is explained more on my blog.
Congrats on the 3 years!
I broke out the party hats last Wednesday! Now, hopefully I'll be keeping the hats out this Wednesday!
congratulations on three years of thought-provoking hilarity! looking forward to more in the coming years!
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