The throat problem does not seem to be resolving itself. Nor does the carpal tunnel syndrome. Since speaking and typing were my two means of updating this blog on a somewhat regular basis, it makes it difficult and/or painful to continue.
Not to mention the fact that with the school year starting up, I will need my voice and my wrists for many things other than humor blogging.
So until someone discovers a way to input data with their knees (at which, no doubt, I would promptly develop bursitis or tendonitis or something), I must regrettably put this blog on hold.
I don’t want to say I’ll never do it again, because I’ve really enjoyed it. But as of now, as Mister Teacher, I have to go on indefinite leave.
I may still swing by some of the other blogs in the edusphere and drop a comment from time to time, but posts on Learn Me Good will be few and far between.
In the meantime, please see the picture below, as this will be my attire-of-choice for next Monday, our first day of classes.
Thanks for reading, and good luck to everyone with their new students!!
Mister Teacher
Farewell, Mister and best wishes.
Aww! That's too bad, but I understand. I think I'm forming some carpel tunnel issues myself. You're welcome to stop by anytime and make snarky comments. Have a great year and hope you get to feeling better!
Hey, if you keep yourself armored you can do anything! Best wishes, and I hope you find your way back to the blogosphere one day in the not-too-distant future.
Oh, I am so sorry to see you go. Couldn't you defer grading papers and recording grades and keep posting here? LOL It's been a great read. Good luck!
AWWWW! That's really a bummer! I hope you are on the mend and won't be a stranger to Bloggerland!
Oh, and I LOVE the new "look". Have a great start to the new school year! Learn'em good.
That stinks! My mom had CT back when it was really unusual, and she really suffered. I hope you feel better!
Bummer--I am so sad.
I hope you get to feeling better.
Have a great school year. I'm sure once you get to feeling better, you will be able to regale us with all your wonderful stories.
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