DST was originally conceived as a means of allowing afternoons and evenings to have more daylight, while mornings have less. This helped with gaslit buildings and such, but it has become a bit quaint over the years.
Many argue that it should be done away with completely. I'm not here to argue that. I would instead propose that we change the timing of it.
Currently, we change our clocks at 2:00 am on Saturday night -- technically, Sunday morning. But why is that? Nobody except college sorority girls and chronic drunks actually benefit from an extra hour on wee Sunday morning.
I think Saturday night is fine for the spring, when we LOSE an hour to Daylight Saving Time. But in the fall, when we GAIN an hour, I think we should gain that hour on SUNDAY night/Monday morning. Just about everyone who works a 40-hour job could do with an extra hour of sleep on Sunday night before Monday begins. Now THAT would be a savings!
In fact, I think I'll set my clock back an hour again tonight, just to test that theory...
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