Last week, someone on a teacher chat board had posted a link to this page offering
a really cool set of posters. The site is run by the AAP (Association of American Publishers), and from it, you can order up to 12 posters of celebrities "getting caught reading." The celebrities range from TV characters to sports stars to politicians. The posters are free; all you have to pay is five dollars for shipping and handling. Also, there are a lot of other posters that aren't available for order, but which ARE available for download.
To whet your whistle, I created my own poster. Don't worry, the real ones are much better.
You should run a contest of teachers "caught reading." I loved your poster! Sometimes kids don't understand that reading really can be fun & your photo expressed that perfectly!
Thanks for the link to the posters. And ms-teacher has a great idea!
Send 'em in, and I'll post 'em!
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